Yesterday we were very pleased to welcome Prof. Alan Agresti, from the University of Florida, to give a departmental seminar at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Prof. Agresti gave a very interesting seminar, covering a wide range of topics, which came out of writing his most recent book – ’Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models’. Among these was some of the problems that can arise when ordinal outcomes are modelled using linear regression models. He then discussed a proposal for a new way of representing covariate effects in ordinal regression models, in a so called superiority measure. Next he discussed some of the problems that can arise with Wald based inferences, a topic I’ve touched upon before here. Prof. Agresti then discussed some issues with residuals in GLMs, and some recently new methods for modelling multivariate using generalized estimating equations.
An audio/slide recording of Prof. Agresti’s seminar is available here.