Mixed model repeated measures (MMRM) in Stata, SAS and R

Linear mixed models are a popular modelling approach for longitudinal or repeated measures data. They extend standard linear regression models through the introduction of random effects and/or correlated residual errors. In the context of randomised trials which repeatedly measure patients over time, linear mixed models are a popular approach of analysis, not least because they handle missing data in the outcome ‘automatically’, under the missing at random assumption. Because of this a mixed model analysis has in many cases become the default method of analysis in clinical trials with a repeatedly measured outcome.


Particularly within the pharmaceutical trials world, the term MMRM (mixed model repeated measures) is often used. Typically this model specifies no patient level random effects, but instead models the correlation within the repeated measures over time by specifying that the residual errors are correlated. In particular, to reduce the chances of model misspecification, commonly the residual errors are assumed to be from a multivariate normal distribution with a so called unstructured covariance matrix. This imposes no restriction on the form of the correlation matrix of the repeated measures.

For the so called ‘fixed effects’, one typically specifies effects of time (as a categorical or factor variable), randomised treatment group, and their interaction. This implies a saturated model for the mean, or put another way, there is a separate mean parameter for each time point in each treatment group. Often there are baseline covariates to be adjusted for. One can adjust for these as simple main effects, or additionally with an interaction with time, in order to allow for the association between the baseline variable(s) and outcome to potential vary over time. For a more in depth discussion of the model, see for example Molenberghs et al 2004 (open access).

My personal journey with statistical software started with Stata and SAS, with a little R. I thus first learnt how to fit such models in Stata and SAS, and only later in R. In this post I’m going to review how to fit the MMRM model to clinical data in all three packages, which may be of use to those who similarly switch between these software packages and need to fit such models. First, we’ll simulate a dataset in R which we will then analyse in each package.

Simulating a clinical trial dataset

To illustrate fitting the MMRM in the three packages, we will simulate a dataset with a continuous baseline covariate and three follow-up visits. We will introduce some (monotone) dropout, leading to missing data, which will satisfy the missing at random assumption. Specifically, we will simulate that some patients dropout before visit 1, dependent on their baseline covariate value. At each subsequent follow-up visit, dropout will be simulated among those still in the study dependent on the change in the outcome between the preceding visit and the visit before that. The following code simulates the data in R:

expit <- function(x) {

n <- 500
#we will make correlation with baseline the same to visit 1 and visit 2
corr <- matrix(1, nrow=4, ncol=4) + diag(0.5, nrow=4)
data <- mvrnorm(n, mu=c(0,0,0,0), Sigma=corr)

trt <- 1*(runif(n)<0.5)
y0 <- data[,1]
y1 <- data[,2]
y2 <- data[,3]
y3 <- data[,4]

#add in effect of treatment
y1 <- y1+trt*0.5
y2 <- y2+trt*1
y3 <- y3+trt*1.5

#now make some patients dropout before visit 1
#r1=1 indicates visit 1 observed
r1 <- 1*(runif(n)<expit(3-y0))

#dropout before visit 2, based on change from y0 to y1
r2 <- 1*(runif(n)<expit(3-(y1-y0)))
r2[r1==0] <- 0

#dropout before visit 3, based on change from y1 to y2
r3 <- 1*(runif(n)<expit(3-(y2-y1)))
r3[r2==0] <- 0

y1[r1==0] <- NA
y2[r2==0] <- NA
y3[r3==0] <- NA

wideData <- data.frame(id=1:n, trt=trt, y0=y0, y1=y1, y2=y2, y3=y3)

longData <- reshape(wideData, varying=c("y1", "y2", "y3"),
                                   direction="long", sep="", idvar="id")
longData <- longData[order(longData$trt,longData$id,longData$time),]

#export data to CSV
write.csv(longData, file="mmrmdat.csv", row.names = FALSE, na=".")

MMRM in Stata

We can fit the MMRM in Stata using the mixed command. We first import the csv data into Stata:

import delimited using mmrmdat.csv, clear

The following code fits the model using REML (restricted maximum likelihood):

mixed y i.time##c.y0 i.time##i.trt || id: , nocons residuals(unstructured, t(time)) reml

The first part specifies that the variable y is our outcome and that we want interactions between time (as a categorical variable) and the continuous baseline covariate y0, and between time and treatment group. We then use the || notation to tell Stata that the id variable indicates the different patients. Observations from different id values are assumed independent.

The nocons option after this tells Stata not to include a random intercept term for patient, which it would include by default. Instead, as described above, we specify in the last part of the call that we want to model the residuals using an unstructured covariance matrix. In this specification we must tell Stata which variable indicates which position each observation is in, which in the case of longitudinal data corresponds to the time or visit variable. The last specification is to request REML rather than the default of maximum likelihood. Running this we obtain:

Mixed-effects REML regression                   Number of obs     =      1,270
Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =        458

                                                Obs per group:
                                                              min =          1
                                                              avg =        2.8
                                                              max =          3

                                                Wald chi2(8)      =     967.88
Log restricted-likelihood =   -1583.45          Prob > chi2       =     0.0000

           y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        time |
          2  |   .1381132   .0655449     2.11   0.035     .0096475    .2665789
          3  |   .0846624   .0642857     1.32   0.188    -.0413351      .21066
          y0 |   .7505095   .0370394    20.26   0.000     .6779137    .8231053
   time#c.y0 |
          2  |   .0030969   .0419305     0.07   0.941    -.0790855    .0852792
          3  |  -.0860945   .0414578    -2.08   0.038    -.1673502   -.0048387
       1.trt |   .4277844   .0836791     5.11   0.000     .2637764    .5917924
    time#trt |
        2 1  |    .337564   .0934798     3.61   0.000     .1543469     .520781
        3 1  |   .8713972    .091424     9.53   0.000     .6922095    1.050585
       _cons |   .0747502   .0592104     1.26   0.207    -.0413001    .1908004

  Random-effects Parameters  |   Estimate   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
id:                  (empty) |
Residual: Unstructured       |
                     var(e1) |     .80163   .0531476      .7039468    .9128682
                     var(e2) |   .8411992   .0583165      .7343261    .9636265
                     var(e3) |   .7903076   .0573347      .6855573    .9110633
                  cov(e1,e2) |   .3482899   .0437791      .2624845    .4340953
                  cov(e1,e3) |   .3728598    .044828      .2849986    .4607209
                  cov(e2,e3) |   .3081405   .0443681      .2211807    .3951003
LR test vs. linear model: chi2(5) = 190.51                Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

The inferences for the fixed effects are by default based on assuming the parameter estimates are normally distributed, which they are asymptotically. Since sometimes trials can have somewhat limited sample sizes, it is customary to use the modifications developed by Kenward and Roger, which makes adjustments to the standard errors and uses t-distributions for inference rather than z-distributions. We can do this by adding dfmethod(kroger):

mixed y i.time##c.y0 i.time##i.trt || id:, nocons residuals(unstructured, t(time)) reml dfmethod(kroger)

which gives the following output:

Mixed-effects REML regression                   Number of obs     =      1,270
Group variable: id                              Number of groups  =        458

                                                Obs per group:
                                                              min =          1
                                                              avg =        2.8
                                                              max =          3
DF method: Kenward-Roger                        DF:           min =     411.26
                                                              avg =     435.56
                                                              max =     455.00

                                                F(8,   647.70)    =     120.25
Log restricted-likelihood =   -1583.45          Prob > F          =     0.0000

           y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        time |
          2  |   .1381132   .0655506     2.11   0.036     .0092758    .2669507
          3  |   .0846624   .0643149     1.32   0.189    -.0417645    .2110894
          y0 |   .7505095   .0370394    20.26   0.000       .67772    .8232989
   time#c.y0 |
          2  |   .0030969   .0419384     0.07   0.941    -.0793268    .0855206
          3  |  -.0860945   .0414839    -2.08   0.039    -.1676361   -.0045529
       1.trt |   .4277844   .0836791     5.11   0.000      .263339    .5922298
    time#trt |
        2 1  |    .337564   .0934918     3.61   0.000     .1538136    .5213144
        3 1  |   .8713972    .091467     9.53   0.000     .6915985    1.051196
       _cons |   .0747502   .0592104     1.26   0.207    -.0416096    .1911099

  Random-effects Parameters  |   Estimate   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
id:                  (empty) |
Residual: Unstructured       |
                     var(e1) |     .80163   .0531476      .7039468    .9128682
                     var(e2) |   .8411992   .0583165      .7343261    .9636265
                     var(e3) |   .7903076   .0573347      .6855573    .9110633
                  cov(e1,e2) |   .3482899   .0437791      .2624845    .4340953
                  cov(e1,e3) |   .3728598    .044828      .2849986    .4607209
                  cov(e2,e3) |   .3081405   .0443681      .2211807    .3951003
LR test vs. linear model: chi2(5) = 190.51                Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

In our case the Kenward-Roger adjustments make relatively little difference, because our trial is moderately large. Lastly, we can sum the main effect of treatment with the interaction terms to obtain the estimated treatment effects at each of the three visits, with 95% CIs and p-values:

. lincom 1.trt

 ( 1)  [y]1.trt = 0

           y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         (1) |   .4277844   .0836791     5.11   0.000     .2637764    .5917924

. lincom 1.trt+2.time#1.trt

 ( 1)  [y]1.trt + [y]2.time#1.trt = 0

           y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         (1) |   .7653484   .0884357     8.65   0.000     .5920177    .9386791

. lincom 1.trt+3.time#1.trt

 ( 1)  [y]1.trt + [y]3.time#1.trt = 0

           y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         (1) |   1.299182   .0887129    14.64   0.000     1.125308    1.473056

Interestingly we see that when we use lincom to estimate the treatment effects at each visit/time, Stata uses normal based inferences rather than t-based inferences. I am not using Stata very much these days, so am not as familiar with mixed as I used to be – there is almost certainly a way to re-specify the model so that we can obtain the treatment effect estimates at each visit directly in the mixed output, using t-based inferences with the Kenward-Roger method – if anyone can let me know I’d be grateful and will update the post.


The MMRM can be fitted in SAS using PROC MIXED. After importing the csv file into SAS, we can fit the model using:

proc mixed data=work.longdata;
	class trt time id;
	model y = y0*time trt*time / SOLUTION DDFM=KenwardRoger;
	repeated time / subject=id type=UN;
	estimate 'visit 1 trt eff' trt*time -1 0 0
					    1 0 0 / cl;
	estimate 'visit 2 trt eff' trt*time 0 -1 0
					    0 1 0 / cl;
	estimate 'visit 3 trt eff' trt*time 0 0 -1
					    0 0 1 / cl;

The model line specifies the fixed effects structure, that we would like SAS to print the estimates of the fixed effects parameters (SOLUTION) , and that we would like the Kenward Rogers modifications. The repeated line then specifies that we would like an unstructured residual covariance matrix, with subjects (patients) identified by the id variable, and the time variable indicating the position (visit/time) of the observation. The estimate lines then request the linear combinations that give us the estimated treatment effect at each of the three visits. Running this we obtain the output here. As we should expect, we obtain identical point estimates to Stata for the treatment effect at each visit. The standard errors differ slightly, which I think is because SAS is using the Kenward-Roger SEs for the estimates/linear combinations, whereas as noted earlier, Stata seems to revert to normal based inferences when using lincom after mixed.


Lastly, we fit the model in R. Linear mixed models are often fitted in R using the lme4 package, with the lmer function. This function however does not allow us to specify a residual covariance matrix which allows for dependency. We thus instead use the gls in the older nlme package (see bottom of post for update using MMRM). We can fit the model using:

mmrm <- gls(y~y0*factor(time)+trt*factor(time),
          na.action=na.omit, data=longData,
          correlation=nlme::corSymm(form=~time | id),

To specify the unstructured residual covariance matrix, we use the correlation and weights arguments. The corSymm correlation specifies an unstructured correlation matrix, with the time variable indicating the position and the id variable specifying unique patients. The varIdent weight argument then specifies that we want to allow a distinct variance for each follow-up visit. These two specifications together specify that we want an unstructured covariance matrix for the vector of repeated measures for each patient. Running the preceding code we obtain:

Generalized least squares fit by REML
  Model: y ~ y0 * factor(time) + trt * factor(time) 
  Data: longData 
     AIC      BIC   logLik
  3196.9 3273.995 -1583.45

Correlation Structure: General
 Formula: ~time | id 
 Parameter estimate(s):
  1     2    
2 0.424      
3 0.468 0.378
Variance function:
 Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
 Formula: ~1 | time 
 Parameter estimates:
       1        2        3 
1.000000 1.024376 0.992909 

                       Value  Std.Error   t-value p-value
(Intercept)        0.0747502 0.05921057  1.262446  0.2070
y0                 0.7505095 0.03703947 20.262422  0.0000
factor(time)2      0.1381132 0.06554485  2.107155  0.0353
factor(time)3      0.0846631 0.06428595  1.316976  0.1881
trt                0.4277844 0.08367935  5.112186  0.0000
y0:factor(time)2   0.0030969 0.04193048  0.073858  0.9411
y0:factor(time)3  -0.0860943 0.04145797 -2.076665  0.0380
factor(time)2:trt  0.3375639 0.09347969  3.611093  0.0003
factor(time)3:trt  0.8713966 0.09142441  9.531333  0.0000

                  (Intr) y0     fct()2 fct()3 trt    y0:()2 y0:()3 fc()2:
y0                 0.101                                                 
factor(time)2     -0.511 -0.051                                          
factor(time)3     -0.493 -0.050  0.411                                   
trt               -0.701 -0.009  0.358  0.345                            
y0:factor(time)2  -0.050 -0.500  0.092  0.039  0.004                     
y0:factor(time)3  -0.048 -0.478  0.039  0.097  0.004  0.400              
factor(time)2:trt  0.355  0.004 -0.695 -0.286 -0.506  0.000 -0.002       
factor(time)3:trt  0.343  0.004 -0.287 -0.699 -0.490 -0.002 -0.021  0.409

Standardized residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-3.13100107 -0.69487792 -0.02639147  0.63569185  3.92499534 

Residual standard error: 0.8953408 
Degrees of freedom: 1270 total; 1261 residual

Comparing with the earlier output from Stata and SAS, we can see the estimates and standard errors are identical to the ones without Kenward-Roger adjustments. To construct estimates and confidence intervals for the treatment effect at each visit, we can make use of the multcomp package as follows, constructing the linear combinations based on the coefficients in the model:

confint(glht(mmrm, linfct = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0), nrow=1)))
confint(glht(mmrm, linfct = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0), nrow=1)))
confint(glht(mmrm, linfct = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1), nrow=1)))

which produces:

confint(glht(mmrm, linfct = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0), nrow=1)))

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: nlme::gls(model = y ~ y0 * factor(time) + trt * factor(time), 
    data = longData, correlation = nlme::corSymm(form = ~time | 
        id), weights = nlme::varIdent(form = ~1 | time), na.action = na.omit)

Quantile = 1.96
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
       Estimate lwr    upr   
1 == 0 0.4278   0.2638 0.5918

> confint(glht(mmrm, linfct = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0), nrow=1)))

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: nlme::gls(model = y ~ y0 * factor(time) + trt * factor(time), 
    data = longData, correlation = nlme::corSymm(form = ~time | 
        id), weights = nlme::varIdent(form = ~1 | time), na.action = na.omit)

Quantile = 1.96
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
       Estimate lwr    upr   
1 == 0 0.7653   0.5920 0.9387

> confint(glht(mmrm, linfct = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1), nrow=1)))

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: nlme::gls(model = y ~ y0 * factor(time) + trt * factor(time), 
    data = longData, correlation = nlme::corSymm(form = ~time | 
        id), weights = nlme::varIdent(form = ~1 | time), na.action = na.omit)

Quantile = 1.96
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
       Estimate lwr    upr   
1 == 0 1.2992   1.1253 1.4731

As far as I am aware, although there are packages (e.g. pbkrtest) in R for calculating Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for mixed models fitted using lmer from the lme4 package, there aren’t any for the gls function in the nlme package. According to Søren Højsgaard, the pbkrtest package will have Kenward-Roger functionality for gls added soon.

Other options

The mixed model / MMRM we have fitted here can obviously be modified in various ways. One aspect that could be modified is to relax the assumption that the covariance matrix is the same in the two treatment arms. This can be relaxed in Stata and SAS easily, but as far I ever been able to ascertain this is not possible to do using the glm function in nlme in R.

MMRM package in R

November 2022 update – a new package for fitting MMRMs in R has been released. See this post for more details.

15 thoughts on “Mixed model repeated measures (MMRM) in Stata, SAS and R”

  1. Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks for the nice post. Couple comments:

    R code
    At line `data <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu=c(2,0,0,0,0), Sigma=corr)`, I think the argument `c(2,0,0,0,0)` contains an extra `0`, or is it the `2` is extra(?), so the code breaks. Either way, I can't seem to replicate the MMRM output in Stata. Simulating the dataset using `c(0,0,0,0)`, there are 1270 observations instead of your 988. Using `c(2,0,0,0)`, there are 975 observations. Could you clarify how the argument should be specified?

    Regarding `id: , nocons`, it doesn't seem clear how the model does not estimate a random intercept a random id intercept is specified. The closest explanation I can find is that `mixed` doesn't actually estimate the random intecept for each person (ref: https://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2013-07/msg00401.html). Instead, it estimates the variance of the intercepts. I don't follow why a random intercept should not be estimated (by stating the `nocons` option). Could you also help clarify this please?

    Many thanks.

    • Hi Joanna. Many thanks for this.

      R code – thanks for spotting this! I had been playing around with different versions of the data (with an extra baseline variable) and evidently didn’t copy and paste across the correct final R code for which the model results correspond. I have modified the code and all outputs – hopefully you should be able to get them to match, but please let me know if not.

      The model we want to fit doesn’t include any patient level random effects, but instead models the dependency through allowing the residual errors to be correlated. To achieve this in Stata in mixed, we have to use the || id: form to tell Stata which variable observations are clustered by. By default Stata would then include a random intercept term, which we don’t want here. The nocons option in this position tells Stata not to include these. That they are not there can be seen in the model output in that in the first block ‘Random-effects Parameters’ it says under id that it is empty. Instead, below this we can see the elements of estimated covariance matrix for the residual errors.

      Best wishes, Jonathan.

      • Thanks Jonathan for the clarifications — the code works!

        R code.
        Only suggestion is to add `library(MASS)` at first line of script so R knows to load it.

        I follow your explanation of what `nocons` does, but why would we NOT want a random intercept term?
        I tried running the model with and without `nocons`: some estimates and 95% CI change in their 3rd and higher decimal places but the overall answer does not. Maybe it’s not a big deal to include or exclude the random intercept term(?)

        Many thanks.

        • Thanks Joanna!

          The idea is that we want to fit the most flexible/general multivariate normal model to reduce the possibility of model misspecification. The most general multivariate normal model assumes no particular structure for the variance/covariance matrix of the repeated observations, and this is what the unstructured residual covariance specification achieves. I am surprised that Stata will fit the model with a random intercept plus unstructured residual covariance matrix, as I would have thought it is not identifiable, since in terms of the covariance structure the unstructured model is already saturated / the most complex possible. Perhaps someone else can explain why Stata is still able to fit such a model.

  2. A long while ago I looked at the R code for lme and gls to see if one could easily add KR style adjustments. I gave up seeing that effectively one needs to rewrite so much additional code and effectively rerun the whole model again. The reason is the parameterization of the covariance matrix. The KR approximation uses a Taylor series expansion based on the Covariance matrix itself, whereas R is using variances and correlations to parameterize. Perhaps there is some clever trick to get around this but I never found it in time. My hat off to those who manage it.

    Perhaps a useful note is that the the adjusted values are invariant to reparameterization where the covariance matrix is intrinsically linear, or where the inverse of the covariance matrix is intrinsically linear (i.e. the covariance or its inverse can be expressed linearly even if they are not). This is identified in the second paper (the basis for KR2 in SAS and I think as used by Stata). But this invariance does require inclusion of the extra term accounting for potential bias in the mle of the covariance parameters.[Kenward & Roger, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 53 (2009) 25832595]

    James Roger.

  3. Hi Jonathan

    Thanks a lot for summarizing this. The only option we have found to implement different covariance structures per group in R is via package glmmTMB which is more recent than nlme and also supports a range of other covariance structures (see here: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmmTMB/vignettes/covstruct.html). A trick to implement different covariance matrices per group is described here: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2020q4/029135.html

    Unfortunately, as far as I can see, glmmTMB does also currently not support df adjustments.


  4. Hi Jonathan,

    Happy New Year, and thanks for the nice MMRM post! We looked into R implementations last year and found a way to use lme4 and lmerTest together to fit an unstructured covariance matrix MMRM model. It is not perfect (since it has one variance parameter too much) but works very well usually and we can get Satterthwaite adjusted d.f. that match the SAS results.

    See https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mmrm-r-presented-rpharma-daniel-saban%25C3%25A9s-bov%25C3%25A9/?trackingId=B1elol9kqrlPH5tLg3hy8Q%3D%3D for more details.


  5. To get t-based estimates of treatment effect at T=2 and T=3 in Stata:
    Refit model with ib2.time in place of i.time, and look at the 1.trt row
    Refit model with ib3.time in place of i.time, and look at the 1.trt row

  6. To Peter [April 28, 2021] Please check the emmeans package. It’s the continuation of the lsmeans, which gives you exactly what you need and works with a broad set of models, including of course those from nlme, lme4 and glmmTMB. It’s my daily workhorse in clinical trials with R. By the way, for the nlme::lme and gls it offers the Satterthwaite correction (both exact and iterative, if the default fails to compute), which is also of great interest in the pharmaceutical industry in case of small samples. The K-R is supported natively for lme4 models too. emmeans is so capacious in features, so it takes some time to read it all and “embrace” 🙂 I strongly recommend checking it.

  7. Thank you very much for this, Jonathan.

    One trouble I’m having is matching the MMRM results in R with ANCOVA (i.e., using baseline and the last visit only) when there is no missing data. In that case, MMRM (with unstructured variance-covariance matrix) and ANCOVA should give identical results, but I’m unable to get a match. For ANCOVA, I used time=3 and compared it with results for ‘factor(time)3 : trt’ from MMRM. For MMRM I modified the code to

    mmrm <- gls(y~y0 + factor(time) + trt*factor(time),
    na.action=na.omit, data=longData,
    correlation=nlme::corSymm(form=~time | id),

    That is, I replaced y0*factor(time) with y0 + factor(time). I also tried it with y0*factor(time). In both cases, I couldn't get a match with ANCOVA.

    Do you know why the two sets of results don't match?



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