Live stream seminar 26th October 2017: Covariate adjustment and prediction of mean response in randomised trials

Next Thursday (14:00 UK time, 26th October 2017) I’ll be giving a seminar at the University of Southampton in the UK on my recent work on covariate adjustment and prediction of mean response in randomised trials. The seminar will be live streamed here, which after the talk will be accessible as a recording.

The talk abstract can be found here.

Testing equality of two survival distributions: log-rank/Cox versus RMST

Cox’s proportional hazards model is by far the most common approach used to model survival or time to event data. For a simple two group comparison, such as in a randomised controlled trial, the model says that the hazard of failure in one group is a constant ratio (over time) of the hazard of failure in the other group. A test that this hazard ratio equals 1 is a test of the null hypothesis of equality of the survival functions of the two groups. The log rank test is essentially equivalent to the score test that the HR=1 in the Cox model, and is commonly used as the primary analysis hypothesis test in randomised trials.

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